Homelessness is a problem

Put aside everything you think you know about homelessness in America. Most homeless aren’t panhandlers. They aren’t drug users. And up to 1.6 million of them each year … are children. Often the State requirements for help and assistance are unreasonable.
Here are some facts you should know about family and child homelessness:
29% of homeless families are headed by a working adult, usually the mother.
More than half of homeless mothers do not have a high school diploma.
Approximately 63% of homeless women have been victims of domestic violence.
Homeless children are more likely to suffer from hunger, poor physical and emotional health.
They are less likely to attend school, and more likely to fall behind in class.
While the number of homeless children in America is estimated at 1.6 million, many estimates suggest the number could be far higher, as homeless statistics are often under-reported at the city, county, and state levels
Homeless children experience four times as many respiratory infections, and twice as many ear infections and are four times more likely to have asthma.
But the most important number is one. One caring person takes action and helps one homeless child get off the street forever.
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